Leading Financial Technology Company

Company Info

SpenDebt is a financial technology company helping people pay off debt one micropayment at a time!  As consumers spend money, a pre-defined amount is automatically added to every transaction and then applied to the user’s debt account monthly.  SpenDebt is on track to help one million people pay off student loans, auto loans, credit cards and more!

CEO & Co-Founder of SpenDebt Kiley Summers

Kiley Summers

Meet the Founder

Growing up, Kiley Summers experienced financial hardships and vowed to be a better steward of his financial obligations. He had a reality check in 2008, one year after college graduation when the consumer debt started piling up. Kiley was over $70K in debt ($30K was student loans). At that moment, Kiley remembered back to his childhood, watching his single mother barely make ends meet. From then, Kiley began to follow Dave Ramsey’s “Debt Snowball Method” and manually applied extra money towards his debt until he became debt free! God gave him a vision to automate the process he used to become debt free in order to help other people and SpenDebt was born.